Crafting for Christmas
Christmas 2020 is going to feel very different for a lot of people, but that shouldn't stop you from spreading the festive cheer.
Staying safe during the pandemic will mean many of us won't be sitting next to our loved ones as they unwrap presents on Christmas morning. But we will still be dialling in virtually to see their faces light up as they unwrap their second pair of novelty socks.
So lets celebrate this festive season, whatever it may hold for you. We've created new fun and colourful designs for greetings cards, tags and wrapping paper. We hope you love it as much as we do.
Greetings cards
The artwork for this year's designs has been painstakingly hand cut and collaged using textured and patterned papers. Recycled Christmas wrapping paper and old packaging, magazines and tissue paper were all used to create three iconic places in Bristol. The Clifton Suspension Bridge, Queens Square and Totterdown colourful houses.

Wrapping paper
Our first paper called of Totterdown Houses was first constructed from hand-cut recycled card and wrapping paper collaged into a repeating pattern of infinite rows of colourful houses in Totterdown. This playful print peeps into the homes of everyday life and depicts Christmas in silhouette. Whether it's decorating the Christmas Tree or a new Mum doing the late-night feed. House parties or intimate moments in front of the home fire or under the mistletoe.

The second wrapping paper entitled "Gert Lush", celebrates the city through some of its iconic landmarks and favourite past times. Hand drawn and watercolours of Clifton Suspension Bridge, Totterdown houses, SS Great Britain, Brandon Hill, Isambard Kingdom Brunel's Temple Meads Train station, Bristol Ferry's, The Fairbairn steam crane, Hot-air Balloons, Aston Court reindeer and three popular Bristoian sayings. I loved creating these illustrations. It gave me a chance to dust of the watercolours and have a play. The end result is very cheery and makes us smile.

We have 4 wrapping paper designs for Christmas, See them all here.
we have made packs of 6 or 12 tags in keeping with the feel and designs of the collage greetings cards and wrapping paper. A Christmas Pudding, Tree and Hot Air Balloon all feature popular Bristolian sayings. We are also selling these as part of a Christmas Bundle including wrapping paper.